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All trademarks used on the Beautyvice website, remain property of their respective holders and are used to describe the products being provided for sale to our customers. The use of these trademarks does not indicate (directly or indirectly) any relationship between Beautyvice and the legal holders of these trademarks. Beautyvice was not involved in the production, modification, or creation of the products provided for sale to our visitors on our website. Beautyvice places the appropriate content for the benefit of its retail customers. The sale of these products by Beautyvice is not sponsored or endorsed by the products' original manufacturer, copyright holders, or any other third parties. Beautyvice does not have any affiliation with any trademark holder and does not imply directly or indirectly any affiliation with these trademark holders. The use of these trademarks on Beautyvice are only used to fairly describe the products we are offering for sale.

All product images, website banners, product descriptions and overall content on our website is intellectual property and as such is protected under federal law. Any unauthorized use of any of our protected content and images by any third party will be vigorously prosecuted by

All products offered by may not be accompanied by a US manufacturer warranty in which case we will warranty the product ourselves. We warranty the entire product and there is no service charge for such a warranty. In order to claim a warranty benefit, please contact our customer service line. The warranty terms covered are identical to that which is offered by the manufacturer and/or Brand owner. The warranty may extend in the form of a replacement or a refund with the return of the faulty product.

Some products may not have instructions in English in which case we will upon request, provide you with a translated version of the instructions. Finally, products offered by us are eligible for any rebate offered by the manufacturer

Products that are shipped by the manufacturer boxed are in-fact shipped by Beautyvice in their factory boxes. Images on the site that do not depict the manufacturer box where applicable, are for viewing ease of our customers