ny of us struggle with growing out our brows. After years of plucking and waxing, we find ourselves looking at gaps within our brows and thinning hair. The in vogue brow look is a full and bushy brow. We see it all over magazines and runways. However, how do we get this full look after years and years of over plucking? Growing out your brows is not as difficult as it may seem. Yes, it does take patience and follow through, but it can be achieved quite easily and at very little cost. Your first step towards achieving thicker brows is to start taking your supplements. Supplements such as biotin not only help to strengthen the hair on your head, skin and nails, it also help to strengthen your brows and eyelashes. Using essential oils such as vitamin E and castor oils is also very helpful. We suggest you apply castor oil to a mascara wand at night and apply to brows before going to be bed. This will promote healthy hair growth and thicker, fuller brows. There is truly no reason to spend excess money of growth serums. these serums are usually a mix of vitamin E and castor oil already mixed together. Something you can concoct in your own home for very little money. Simply add one part organic cold pressed castor oil and one part vitamin E oil. Mix together and you have your very own brow serum. Next step is to stop over waxing! try plucking your brows while you are growing them out. Plucking will assure that you do not take excess hair out. It will also afford you the luxury of removing just the hair outside of your perfect brow line. We love to use the Anastasia brow guides to create the perfect brow. These truly help yu envision the shape you are looking for. use these guides to help fill in your perfect brow, then pluck around the shape. Avoid any hairs within the guide as that is where you want to encourage growth and thickness. keep brows trimmed at all times. Sometimes a trim alone can help make them look renewed. We always suggest going t a professional for this step as you could possibly trim too much! Trimming your brows also assures that your brow line is more defined and easier to fill in with a pencil or gel. Lastly, avoid applying skincare creams and serums to your brows. These creams and serums can actually clog your pores causing less growth. Apply your skincare around the brows, not directly onto the brows. the only thing you should be applying directly onto your brows is either your growth serum or your brow makeup. Following these easy steps will assure that your brows start to look fuller and more fab than ever and that your brow game remains strong!
